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L'olio extravergine di oliva



Extra virgin olive oil is the only vegetable oil obtained from mechanical processes without manipulation or chemical additives unlike other seed oils.

To obtain a high quality extra virgin olive oil in Tuscany, the quality of the olives, picked and not picked, is important, as is the method of pressing and cold extraction; all factors that are needed to obtain a slightly spicy oil, with a hint of bitterness and an intense green colour.

Olive oil is a product originating from the Mediterranean agri-food tradition. Appreciated since ancient times by the greatest civilisations, olive oil is still used today in religious rites as the basis of popular medicine recipes against burns, itching and dermatitis. Thanks to its emollient and hydrating properties it was a fundamental element for cosmetics in the past.

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L'olio extravergine di oliva biologico

Organic extra virgin olive oil is obtained from the processing of olives grown with natural methods and without the use of pesticides.

The organic olives waiting to be pressed are kept separate from the conventional ones. Even with regards to milling, organic olives do not come into contact with other olives. This monitoring is demonstrated by recording machine washes on appropriate sheets in our Self-Control manual. Furthermore, both the processing and storage of the organic oil is periodically checked by an external ICEA AIAB-certified body. Finally, both ICEA and our oil mill are further under the control of another superior body such as ARSIA. All to guarantee the consumer a fruity, natural oil without chemical residues.

Olii aromatizzati

Olii arricchiti di spezie e profumi agresti, ecco cosa sono i nostri olii aromatizzati, ricavati con metodi naturali.

Rosmarino, origano ed aglio per esaltare il sapore delle carni grigliate; peperoncino e tartufo per rendere un semplice piatto di pasta un vero e proprio momento di piacere. Il limone, il nostro olio di punta ricavato dalla spremitura a freddo di olive e limoni non trattati, può elevare i sensi del gusto e dell'olfatto, insaporendo e profumando insalate e frutti di mare.

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